EndNote Plus is a bibliographic database, designed to store and manage your bibliographic references. It is also used as a writers' tool to automatically generate bibliographies in hundreds of different journal formats.
The EndNote Demo/Viewer (for simplicity it will just be referred to as the "EndNote Demo") is a functional version of the real EndNote Plus 2 program with a limitation on the number of references that can be used (details follow). In addition to demonstrating the features of the EndNote Plus program, the EndNote Demo also provides a way to view references in EndNote databases (called "libraries"), without having the real EndNote Plus program. With the EndNote Demo, you can browse EndNote libraries, search for specific information, and even print or export the references that you need.
There is no charge for downloading copies of the EndNote Demo. If you plan to distribute an EndNote database to colleagues, or post it on electronic bulletin boards, we encourage you to copy and distribute the EndNote Demo along with your database. Any redistribution of the EndNote Demo must also include this "Instructions" file. Terms and conditions may change without further notice.
By Niles & Associates, Inc.
800 Jones Street
Berkeley, CA 94710 U.S.A.
Phone: (510) 559-8592 Monday-Friday, 8am-5pm PST.
Fax: (510) 559-8683
Web Page: www.niles.com
info@niles.com (for general questions)
mac-support@niles.com (for technical questions)
We offer a 30-day money back guarantee!
System Requirements:
Macintosh System 6.0.7 or later.
Hardware Requirements:
A Macintosh with a hard drive and at least 770K of free memory (RAM). PowerMac compatible.
Compatibility with Older Versions of EndNote:
EndNote Plus 2 reference libraries are compatible with all versions of EndNote and EndNote Plus for DOS, Windows, and Macintosh.
Word Processor Compatibility:
Currently, EndNote Plus 2 is compatible with the following word processing formats:
* Microsoft Word 3.0-6.0.1
* WordPerfect 1.0-3.5
* WriteNow 1.0-4.0
* MacWrite Pro 1.0-1.5
* MacWrite II
* Nisus 1-4
* FrameMaker (via MIF format)
* Rich Text Format (RTF)
* Plain text
Contact us regarding compatibility with later versions of the aforementioned word processors, and for information about working with other word processors.
NOTE: Niles & Associates also sells DOS and Windows versions
of EndNote Plus. Contact Niles & Associates for more information.
Limitations of the Demonstration Copy of EndNote Plus 2:
1. You cannot modify or add references to the sample library (Paleo Library) or to any library that contains more than 10 references. You can, however, create new libraries with up to 10 references in each one and make changes to these libraries.
2. You can only "format" papers that contain 10 citations or less.
3. You can only import up to 10 references using the Import command.
4. The Demo does not include the full EndNote Plus Styles Collection which includes more than 300 styles.
5. The Demo does not include EndLink, which is sold separately. EndLink is an import utility used for importing data captured from CD-ROMs and online reference databases (such as Medline).
6. The Demo does not include the EndNote Plus Plug-in Module for Microsoft Word 5 which is similar to the EndNote Add-in for Word 6 described later. These modules enable EndNote Plus and Word to interact directly and thereby streamline the process of creating bibliographies in Word documents. All changes are made to the currently open Word document so that you can continue to format and re-format the same document if necessary.
Installing the Demo of EndNote Plus 2 for Macintosh
1. Copy the "EndNote Plus Demo" folder to your hard drive. This folder should contain:
• EndNote Plus 2 Demo (the demonstration program; can also be used as a 'viewer')
• For Microsoft Word 6 Users (folder)
-EndNote Word 6 Add-in Demo (the EndNote Add-in for Microsoft Word® version 6)
- Localizer for Word 6 (a Word 6 macro for Non-English Versions of Word 6)
• Styles (a collection of bibliographic formats for printing and exporting references)
• Examples (a folder containing a sample library and sample word processing files)
• Instructions (a copy of these instructions)
• RM Conversion (instructions for converting Reference Manager® files to EndNote format)
• Contact Information (contact information for Niles & Associates, Inc. and EndNote distributors)
2. If you use a non-English version of Microsoft Word 6, double-click the "Localizer for Word 6" file and follow the instructions there to run the localizer. The Localizer is in the folder "For Microsoft Word 6 Users".
3. If you use Microsoft Word 6, move the EndNote Word 6 Add-in Demo from the "For Microsoft Word 6 Users" folder to the "Word Startup Folder (6)" folder in the Preferences folder of your System folder.
4. If you received this Demo along with an EndNote library of references for your area of research, you can copy that library into the "EndNote Plus Demo" folder or keep it elsewhere on your hard drive. The location of the library is not important to the EndNote program.
NOTE: If you are switching from Reference Manager® to EndNote
Plus, please consult the RM Conversion file to convert your files.
The Guided Tour
This Guided Tour introduces you to the basics of using the EndNote Plus program. The Guided Tour is not designed to show you everything about EndNote Plus, but it does provide a quick summary of some important features.
During the Guided Tour, you will use the example paleontology files that are installed in the "EndNote Plus Demo" folder on your hard drive. These example files include a sample EndNote Plus reference library (Paleo Library) and a number of copies of a word processing document, one of which is appropriate for your word processor. If someone has already supplied you with an EndNote library for your area of research, you can use that library for Part I of the Guided Tour if you'd prefer.
Each part of the Guided Tour can be completed independently of the other parts, so you can choose to follow only the parts that interest you.
Part I of the Guided Tour focuses on the database capabilities of EndNote Plus.
Part II demonstrates how to use EndNote to cite references while writing documents. (Part A is for Microsoft Word 6 users only; Part B is for users of all other compatible word processors.)
Part III discusses other features of the program, such as entering and editing references.
Part I: Introduction to an EndNote Plus Library
This part of the Guided Tour covers the basics of working with EndNote Plus libraries. You will learn how to:
• Start EndNote Plus and open a library.
• Change the library display font.
• Select, open, and close references in the EndNote Plus library.
• Search for a subset of references.
• Print those found references.
• Learn how to use the Show All, Show Selected, and Hide Selected commands.
1. Start EndNote Plus
To start the EndNote Plus program and open the sample library, simply double-click the "Paleo Library" file in the Examples folder of the "EndNote Plus Demo" folder. This will start the EndNote Plus program and open the Paleo Library, displaying a list of the 200 references it contains.
2. Browse through The Library Window
For each reference, the Library window displays the first author's last name, the year, and as much of the title as will fit in the window. You can also choose the Show Record Number command in the Edit menu to display EndNote's unique number for each reference. Browse through your reference library by using the vertical scroll bar, the scroll arrows, or the Page Down, Page Up, Home, End, and Arrow keys on your keyboard.
3. Change the Library Display Font
To select a different font to display the references in the Library window, choose Library Display Font... from the Edit menu, and change the font to another font and/or size.
4. Select & Open a Reference
To work with specific references you must first select them in the Library window. There are different ways to select a reference such as clicking on the reference using the mouse, typing the first few letters of the author's last name, or using the Arrow keys. You can also hold down the Shift key and click on various references to select more than one reference at a time.
Once a reference is selected, there are a number of things you can do with it, but for now, just open the reference to view the contents. Open a selected reference by choosing Edit from the References menu, pressing the Return key, or double-clicking it. Try this out by double-clicking the first "Argus" reference to open it.
The Reference window opens to display all of the information associated with the reference. This is where you enter or edit data for a reference. Each field in the reference can accommodate up to 32,000 characters (roughly 8 pages), with a total limit per reference of 64,000 characters. (Keep in mind that the Demo will not allow you to edit any reference in a library containing more than 10 references.) The citation information for the reference is displayed at the top of the Reference window, such as "Argus, 1991 #11". As you will see in the next part of the Guided Tour, EndNote Plus uses this information to match citations in your papers to references in the library.
To see the rest of the reference, use the mouse to scroll down through the Reference window, or press the Tab key to move forward from one field to the next. Press Shift-Tab to move backwards through the fields. The window may also be resized by clicking and dragging the lower right window corner.
5. Close the Reference
Close the reference by clicking in the close box in the upper left corner of the Reference window. You can also choose Close Reference from the File menu (or press Command-W) to close a reference.
EndNote Plus automatically saves all changes to a reference when the Reference window is closed. (Note that you cannot make changes to the Paleo Library because of the restrictions of using the Demo version.)
6. Search for a Subset of References
Pretend that you want to search for and print a group of references to share with a colleague. You want to search the Paleo Library, and generate a list of all references about extinction that were published in the 1990s. To do so:
- Choose Find (Command-F) from the References menu.
- Type "extinction" in the first search item.
(The words In Any Field below "extinction" mean that EndNote Plus will search all fields for the word extinction.)
- In the second search item, click where it says Any Field and choose Year. This will restrict the second part of the search to the Year field.
- Choose More or equal from the Symbols popup menu in the Find window. Then type "1990" after the ≥ symbol.
- Notice the option between the two search items is set to "Or". Click "And" so that the search strategy is set up to find all references about extinction that are also published in the 1990s.
- Click the Find button to begin the search. In a moment, EndNote Plus displays the search results.
The top of the Library window should now read, "Showing 6 references out of 200." You are still looking at the same Paleo Library as you were before, however EndNote Plus has restricted the view to display just the results of the search.
Now that you have located all of the desired references, you can print them for your colleague.
7. Select a Style
Before you print the references, select a bibliographic "style" that will tell EndNote how to format the references that you print. We have provided a style called Annotated that includes the contents of the abstract field with the formatted reference. Choose Annotated from the Styles menu for this example.
8. Print the References You Found
Now that you have selected the correct style, you are ready to print the bibliography. Simply choose Print from the File menu to start printing the references that are listed in the Library window.
9. Show and Hide Selected References
EndNote has various ways of letting you choose which references to view in the Library window. Currently, you see only the six references that were found as a result of the search in step 6 above. Suppose you decide you want to view everything except those references that are selected, you could do the following:
- Choose Select All from the Edit menu (or just press Command-A). This selects the 6 references that are showing.
- Now choose Show All from the References menu (Command-H) to bring all of the references back into view, but retain the current selection.
- Choose Hide Selected from the References menu.
Now you will see everything but the 6 references you just found and printed. To restore everything to the Library window, choose Show All again.
The Show Selected and Hide Selected commands are very useful for viewing only the references you want to export, print, or modify using EndNote Plus's global editing commands.
10. Quit or Continue
Keep EndNote Plus running for the second part of the tour or choose Quit from the File menu if you want to take a break. If you are continuing, you can close the Search (Find) window to get it out of the way. To do so, click on the Find window and then click in the close box in the top left corner of that window.
Part IIA: For Microsoft Word 6 Users:
Using the EndNote Plus Add-in While Writing a Paper
(NOTE: If you do not use Microsoft Word 6 go to the next section "Part IIB: Using EndNote Plus While Writing a Paper" instead. Part IIA describes how to use the EndNote Plus Add-in for Microsoft Word 6. The Add-in inserts EndNote commands in Word's Tools menu to give you direct access to your references while writing in Microsoft Word 6.)
In this part of the Guided Tour, you will learn how to:
- Switch between your EndNote Plus library and Microsoft Word.
- Insert an EndNote Plus citation into your paper.
- "Format" your paper by having the EndNote Plus Add-in create a bibliography and update the in-text citations while in Word.
For this example, pretend you are using Microsoft Word to write a paleontology paper about dinosaurs. A copy of a sample Microsoft Word document, called "Paleo (Word 4-6)" is stored in the Examples folder.
1. Open the Sample Paleo Paper in Word
Open the Examples folder in the EndNote Plus Demo folder, and double-click the "Paleo (Word 4-6)" file.
Notice that throughout the document there are sections of bracketed text, such as "[Schwartz, 1990 #5]." These are EndNote Plus temporary citations which list the first author's last name, the year of publication, and the unique EndNote Plus record number for each reference cited. These bracketed citations are not intended to appear in the final copy of your paper. Rather, they serve as temporary citations until EndNote Plus formats the paper and replaces them with citations in the style that you choose.
2. Prepare to Cite a Reference in the Paper
Pretend you have just typed in the last sentence of the paper and now you want to cite the source of this idea. Position your cursor at the end of this sentence just before the period and type a single space which will separate the citation from the text:
...larger wing-like arm |.
You are now ready to insert a citation at this location in the paper.
3. Return to EndNote Plus
Choose EndNote Plus 2 from Word's Tools menu. This will start the EndNote Plus 2 program if it is not already running, and switch to EndNote.
4. Select a Reference
If you don't already have a library open, a dialog appears prompting you for a reference library file. If it's not already open, open the "Paleo Library" located in the EndNote Plus Demo "Examples" folder.
To cite a reference in your paper, simply select the citation in EndNote's Library window and insert it into the paper. For this example, the reference that you want to cite is by Gardiner. You can quickly select the Gardiner reference by typing "ga" without pausing.
5. Insert a Citation for the Selected Reference
With the Gardiner reference selected choose Insert Citation(s) from the Add-in menu. EndNote inserts the Gardiner citation into the Paleo document at the location of the cursor.
Assume that you have finished writing your paper and all of the temporary citations have been inserted. You are now ready for EndNote Plus to generate the bibliography.
6. Format the Bibliography
Choose Format Bibliography from Word's Tools menu (you can access this same command from EndNote's Add-in menu). EndNote prompts you to verify which paper will be formatted and which style should be used. Choose the Numbered style and click Format.
When EndNote has finished formatting the paper, the temporary citations are replaced with numbered citations and a bibliography appears at the end of the document. The paper is now ready to be printed and submitted! EndNote Plus can also do Author-Year citations - just select the Author-Date style and EndNote Plus does the rest! The non-demo version of EndNote Plus includes over 300 styles from popular journals.
If you need to make changes to the paper (such as change a citation, add more text, or change the bibliographic style), edit the document and then choose Format Bibliography again. EndNote Plus updates your paper and bibliography. You can even change the style and reformat. Give it a try!
That completes this part of the Guided Tour. If you do not plan to continue working with EndNote Plus now, you should quit from Word and EndNote Plus by choosing Quit from the programs' File menus.
To continue with the guided tour, skip to "Part III Exploring Other Features on Your Own."
Part IIB: Using EndNote Plus While Writing a Paper
(NOTE: Word 6 users should skip this section; see Part IIA instead.)
In this part of the Guided Tour, you will learn how to:
• Switch between EndNote Plus and your word processor.
• Copy and paste an EndNote Plus citation into your papers.
• Format your paper by having EndNote Plus create a bibliography and update the in-text citations.
1. Start EndNote If It Isn't Already Running
If you quit from EndNote Plus at the end of Part I, start the program again now by double-clicking the Paleo Library file, located in the Examples folder of the EndNote Plus Demo/Viewer folder.
2. Open the Sample Paleo Paper in Your Word Processor
For this example, pretend you are using your word processor to write a paleontology paper about dinosaurs. A copy of a sample paper, "Paleo," has been created for the word processors that EndNote Plus supports.
- Switch back to the Finder by clicking on the icon for your hard drive, it if is visible; or, by choosing Finder from the applications menu in the top right corner of your screen (System 7 only).
- In the Finder, find and open the "EndNote Plus Demo" folder, and open the Examples folder in it.
- Double-click the Paleo document that is compatible with your word processor.
When you open the sample Paleo paper, notice that throughout the document there are sections of bracketed text, such as [Schwartz, 1990 #5]. These are EndNote Plus temporary citations which list the first author's last name, the year of publication, and the unique EndNote Plus record number for each reference cited. These bracketed citations are not intended to appear in the final copy of your paper. Rather, they serve as temporary citations until EndNote Plus formats the paper and replaces them with citations in the style that you choose.
3. Prepare to Cite a Reference in the Paper
Pretend you have just typed in the last sentence of the paper and now you want to cite the source of this idea. Position your cursor at the end of this sentence just before the period and type a single space which will separate the citation from the text:
...larger wing-like arm |.
You are now ready to insert a citation at this point in the paper.
4. Copy and Paste a Citation into Your Text
To cite a reference in your paper, first copy it from the EndNote Plus library. For this example, the reference that you want to cite is by Gardiner.
- Return to EndNote Plus by choosing EndNote Plus 2 Demo from the applications menu in the top right corner of the screen. (System 6 users should just click on the icon in the top right corner of the screen until the EndNote icon appears.) You should then see the Paleo Library open in EndNote Plus, as you left it in Step 2.
- To quickly select the Gardiner reference, type "ga" without pausing.
- Choose Copy (Command-C) from EndNote's Edit menu.
- Switch from EndNote Plus to your word processor (as previously described).
- Choose Paste (Command-V) from the word processor's Edit menu to insert the Gardiner citation at the location of the cursor.
5. Return to EndNote Plus
Now assume that you have finished writing your paper and all of the temporary citations have been inserted. You are now ready for EndNote Plus to generate the bibliography.
- Choose Save from your word processor's File menu, and then close the Paleo document by choosing Close from the File menu. (You can leave your word processor running.)
- Switch to EndNote Plus by choosing EndNote Plus 2 Demo from the applications menu, or by just clicking on the Paleo Library window if you see it on the screen.
6. Choose a Bibliographic Style
The bibliographic styles listed in the Styles menu contain instructions for how EndNote Plus should format various types of bibliographies. Before EndNote Plus creates a bibliography for your paper, you must select the desired style from the Styles menu. For this example, choose Numbered from the Styles menu. A check mark next to the style name indicates that it is selected. (NOTE: If you see "Empty Styles Folder" listed in the Styles menu instead of a selection of styles, choose Set Styles Folder from the Styles menu to locate and select the "Styles" folder that was included with this EndNote Plus Demo.)
The Numbered style tells EndNote Plus to replace the in-text citations with numbers and create a numbered bibliography at the end of the paper. Some styles require the author and year in the citation. EndNote Plus can do that too. (The full EndNote Plus program comes with more than 300 styles.)
7. Scan the Paper for Citations
To have EndNote Plus scan the paper and find the references that were cited in it:
- Choose Scan Paper... from the Paper menu. EndNote Plus prompts you to open a word processor file.
- From the list of sample papers in the Examples folder, select the "Paleo" document that you have been editing and click Open.
EndNote Plus scans the paper and generates a list of matches to the citations that it finds. Notice that the last citation in the list is the Gardiner citation that you added to the end of the paper. For each citation listed in the Matches window, EndNote Plus displays the number of matching references found in the Paleo Library. A 1 in the Matches column indicates that there is exactly one reference in the library that matches the citation.
If a 0 appears in the Matches column, this means EndNote Plus could not find a reference in the Paleo Library to match the citation in the paper. If a number greater than 1 appears, this means EndNote Plus found more than one reference matching a citation.
8. Format the Paper
With each citation matching exactly one reference in the Paleo Library, you are ready to format the paper. (If you see a zero match, don't worry, you can still proceed with the Guided Tour). During this formatting step, EndNote Plus creates a copy of your paper, rewrites the temporary citations in their final format, and places a complete bibliography at the end of the document.
- Choose Format... from the Paper menu.
EndNote Plus displays a dialog asking for a new formatted file name. The suggested name incorporates the name of the style into the original name of the document. This dialog also lets you select where the document should be saved. The popup menu at the top of the dialog shows the currently selected location where EndNote will save the file. Remember this location so that you can find and open the formatted copy of the paper in the following step.
- Accept the new file name by clicking Save, and EndNote Plus generates the formatted paper.
While EndNote Plus is formatting, the cursor changes to a watch cursor. When EndNote is done formatting the document, the cursor returns to an arrow and the matches window remains open.
9. Open the Formatted Paper in your Word Processor
- Switch back to your word processor (as previously described).
- Choose Open from your word processor's File menu and open the formatted version of the paper. (Remember that this is the one with "-Numbered" appended to its name.)
In the formatted paper, EndNote Plus has replaced the temporary citations with numbered citations and inserted a bibliography at the end. The paper is ready to be printed and submitted!
If you need to make changes to the paper (such as change a citation, add more text, or change the bibliographic style), you should edit the original unformatted document, and then format it again. EndNote Plus will generate a new formatted copy of the paper.
That completes this part of the Guided Tour. You may now quit from your word processor by choosing Quit from the File menu. If you do not plan to continue working with EndNote Plus now, you should also quit from the EndNote Plus Demo. Otherwise, switch back to EndNote Plus, close the Matches window, and go on to Part III.
Part III. Exploring Other Features of EndNote Plus
To explore other features of EndNote Plus, we suggest that you create your own test library so that you can see how references can be created and modified. (You can make a new library of up to 10 references with the demo.)
1. Create a Library
If EndNote Plus is not already running, start EndNote Plus by double-clicking the EndNote Plus 2 Demo icon in the EndNote Plus Demo folder on your hard drive. When you see the dialog prompting you for a "Reference Library File" click New. (If EndNote Plus is already running, simply choose New from the File menu to create a new library.)
Give the library a name such as "Test Library" and click Save. You should now be looking at an empty Library window, "Showing 0 references out of 0."
2. Enter up to 10 References
Right now, the library is simply an empty container which will store the references that you add to it. The following example demonstrates how to enter a new book reference into the library.
- Choose New (Command-N) from the References menu. An empty Reference window opens with the words "New Reference" displayed at the top.
- New references always appear as Journal Articles but can be changed to any other type of reference using the Reference Type popup menu at the top of the Reference window. Click the Reference Type popup menu and choose Book. Notice that the fields listed in the Reference window have now changed to be the necessary fields for the bibliographic data for a book.
Enter the reference information beginning with the author names. Author names can be entered two ways: either 'First Middle Last' such as 'William Martin Smith' or 'Last, First Middle' such as 'Smith, William Martin'. Individual author names must be entered one per line.
- With the cursor in the Author field type:
Carol Jacobs (then press the Return key)
Jennifer Roe
- Press the Tab key to move to the Year field. Type: 1994
- Continue entering the reference as shown below, using the Tab key to move to the next field, and Shift-Tab to move to the previous field, if necessary. You can also use the mouse to click in the desired field. (Not all fields are used in this example.)
Title: Impacts of meteorites on Earth
City: New York
Publisher: Roe, Inc.
Number of Pages: 100
Abstract: The impact of a meteorite hitting the earth millions of
years ago may have led to the destruction or extinction of some marine life.
No extra punctuation (such as parentheses around the year) or text styles (such as bold or italic) are entered into the reference. EndNote Plus adds the necessary punctuation and text style changes to the references when it creates a bibliography.
3. Save Your Work
Close the Reference window by typing (Command-W) or by choosing Close Reference from the File menu. All information is automatically saved when a reference is closed. (You can also save your work without closing the reference by choosing Save from the File menu.) Your new reference should now appear in the Library window.
Enter a few more references into the library. They don't have to be real references, of course, since this is just a practice library.
4. Try Other Commands
Once you have a few references in your library (no more than 10 for the demo; the actual limitation in the full EndNote Plus package is 32,000 references or 32 MB per library), you can use other commands such as:
References Menu Commands
- Change Text: Allows you to search for text in a specific field, or any field, and replace it with something else.
- Change Field: Allows you to add text to or clear text from the references currently showing in the Library window.
- Sort Library: Allows you to sort the references showing in the Library window, in either ascending or descending order, based on any combination of up to five fields.
- Find : The Find command (Command-F) is a very powerful feature. You can find partial words, phrases, or just letters in any field or combination of fields in the database. Connect your search strategies with the Boolean "and", "or", and "not" operators. Use Match Case or Match Words to narrow your search strategy. To bring all of the references back into view after a search, choose Show All from the References menu.
- Find Duplicates: Locates duplicate references in the library.
Term Lists
You can generate a list of commonly use terms from any field in the database and use the term list later when entering references or creating search strategies. (The Paleo library already has term lists generated.) Select Open List from the Terms menu, and choose a list provided (or create your own by choosing New List from the Terms menu). Once a term list is open, you can choose Update List from the Terms menu, and specify from which field you want the terms imported (be sure to enter the delimiter that separates the terms in your references). You can generate a list of terms from the data entered in a specific field (such as Keywords, Author names, Journal names, etc.).
Copy and Paste Whole References:
You can select multiple references by holding down the Shift key while clicking on the desired references. Once the references are selected, choose Copy from the Edit menu, to copy them. They can then be pasted into another library using the Paste command in the Edit menu. Or choose Copy Formatted from the Edit menu to copy the references in a bibliographic format, and then paste them into a word processing document.
Please contact Niles & Associates or an EndNote distributor in your area if you have questions. See the "Contact Information" file for international distributors.